Saturday, October 9, 2010


It seems everyone but me has a blog.  Time to fix that.  I got the idea for this from my friend Jerry Nix.  He has created a nice blog and I was jealous of his creativity.  Now is my chance to see if I can do what he did.  I am new at this and am bound to make mistakes and I also wonder who would be interested enough in whatever I might have to say to bother reading my blog.  I'll tell some people what I have done.  Not too many and only those that might not abuse my ego as I get the hang of this. 

So, here it is.


  1. i've been waiting for this. through long hours of conversations with you i know that you have lots of insightful things to say. looking forward to having them in print. and funny that you acknowledge me, i always got a good bit of my inspiration to do this sort of thing from you.

    so, to quote another of my adopted mentors, larry the cable guy . . . "git er done"!

  2. Dear Jerry

    Well, I am flattered too. It's nice to know that I have been an inspiratiion to you. It makes we want to do good things.

